In my house we don't really drink milk but almond and coconut milk holy cow we drink it like it's going out of style! I finally decided that it was time to try to make almond milk on my own and boy what a surprise! Making homemade almond milk is 100 percent worth because of the flavor and richness. However it is probably double the price of store bought almond milk. Never mind the price, I still went at because anything homemade and 100% natural outweighs cost in my point of view.
2 c.Almonds
3 c.Water
1 tbsp Vanilla
3 c.Water
1 tbsp Vanilla
Step 1
Place 2 cups of raw almonds in a container that can hold at least 4 cups of liquid. Cover the only ones with water up to your four cup measurement.
Let the almonds soak for about 2 days.
The only will be ready when they have expanded to almost double their size and filled your measuring cup.
Let the almonds soak for about 2 days.
The only will be ready when they have expanded to almost double their size and filled your measuring cup.
Step 2:
Rinse your almonds then place into a large blender.
The amount of water you add to the blender determines how much almond milk you make.
2 cups of water create a coffee creamer consistency
4 cups of water makes it a bit lighter
4 cups of water makes it a bit lighter
Once you decide how thick Or thin you want your almond milk go ahead and add your water to the blender and puree.

Step 3:
Place a cheesecloth in a wire strainer over a large bowl or container.
When the almonds and water or pureed pretty good go ahead and slowly pour your almond water mixture into the cheesecloth.
The strainer is to help stabilize the cheesecloth over your container. I'm pretty clumsy so I still spill some of this cherished milk!
Once you've completely dumped everything into the cheesecloth and the majority of the liquid has drained through, slowly lift your cheesecloth grabbing just above the almond and squeeze more milk out of the almonds.
Twist and squeeze into you think you have everything you can possibly squeeze out.

When the almonds and water or pureed pretty good go ahead and slowly pour your almond water mixture into the cheesecloth.
The strainer is to help stabilize the cheesecloth over your container. I'm pretty clumsy so I still spill some of this cherished milk!
Once you've completely dumped everything into the cheesecloth and the majority of the liquid has drained through, slowly lift your cheesecloth grabbing just above the almond and squeeze more milk out of the almonds.
Twist and squeeze into you think you have everything you can possibly squeeze out.

Step 4:
Set the cheesecloth and aside and find a nice container for the almond milk. Add in vanilla extract stir and refrigerate.
I don't recommend making extremely large batches at a time, It lasts only about 5 days unless you decide to pasteurize it. And TRUST me, when it goes bad you'll know. :/

Almond Flour
Step 1:
Now go back to your cheesecloth and precious ground almonds. Spread them on a large baking sheet.

Step 2:
You can either let the almonds air dry or set the oven to 200° F and bake for 20 mins.
Now Wala! You have home made Almond milk and Almond flour! 2 for the price of 1!
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