So you're running late and you need a quick breakfast... I'm pretty sure packaged muffin is NOT the answer. That little 4 oz muffin will not satisfy you, fill your tummy or give you the proper nutrients to go about your day. Instead it's filled with CRAP and empty calories that will start your day off wrong. When you eat things without the proper nutrition you body needs, you will want to eat more... Why?... Because your body is actually starving for the nutrients it needs.

I makes me so sad to know people eat these things without realizing how bad it is.
By the way, in case you didn't know... Don't get me wrong here, I LOVE Starbucks (big coffee fan) but their muffins aren't any healthier, they are made by..... None other than Otis Spunkmeyer! Yup is true. Just a different wrapper to make them look pretty. Ask the Barista next time where they come from. Next time I see them pulling them out of the box I'll snap a picture but for now trust me they are not healthy.
One muffin Otis Spunkmeyer muffin contains more calories (440) than I eat at one meal.
Lets compare... My favorite healthy breakfast is protein oatmeal with almond milk and about 2 hours later I have some egg whites with spinach and cheese. All of that yumminess is less than 400 calories and all kinds of good nutrients!
I understand you're moving fast on the go... Plan ahead make refrigerator oatmeal cups or homemade protein muffins, if you love those muffins ;)
My husband eats muffins as his 2nd breakfast post-workout everyday because he LOVES muffins. In comparison, the most calorie loaded muffin I make has:
227 Calories, 7g Sugar, 10g Fat, 23g Carbs & 15g Protein... Not too shabby. Lets see Otis again ...
440 Calories, 34g Sugar, 22g Fat, 58g Carbs & 6g Protein
Yikes... AGAIN, sorry. And people feed this stuff to their kids!
When I make muffins at home if I leave them on the counter for 5 days they already have mold growing on them. It sucks but at least I know that they have real ingredients that fungus can grow on vs this packaged crap... Weird how not even fungus will grown on them and people still eat them! YUCK x100!
Ok I'm done with my rant. Chances are if your reading this you actually eat healthy or are trying hard to eat healthy. Help a friend stay healthy and share what you know.
227 Calories, 7g Sugar, 10g Fat, 23g Carbs & 15g Protein... Not too shabby. Lets see Otis again ...
440 Calories, 34g Sugar, 22g Fat, 58g Carbs & 6g Protein
Yikes... AGAIN, sorry. And people feed this stuff to their kids!
When I make muffins at home if I leave them on the counter for 5 days they already have mold growing on them. It sucks but at least I know that they have real ingredients that fungus can grow on vs this packaged crap... Weird how not even fungus will grown on them and people still eat them! YUCK x100!
Ok I'm done with my rant. Chances are if your reading this you actually eat healthy or are trying hard to eat healthy. Help a friend stay healthy and share what you know.
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