After making the Mayan Pie I had to make another chocolate pie just a little different. I love coffee so I thought an espresso chocolate pie might be a delicious option!
Here we go Again!
*1/4 c Almond Meal
2 Dates (soaked in water over night)
1/4 TSP Almond Extract
1/4 TSP espresso
Dash of Cinnamon

*1/4 c Almond Meal
2 Dates (soaked in water over night)
1/4 TSP Almond Extract
1/4 TSP espresso
Dash of Cinnamon

2 TBSP of Water from Dates
1/2 c Avocado (about 3/4 of an avocado)
2 TBSP Coconut Oil
1/4 c Cocoa Powder
1 TSP Vanilla Extract
1/2 tsp Espresso
1/4 TSP Cinnamon
This fills one mini cheese cake pan PERFECTLY!
Times the recipe by 4 to fill a 9 in pie pan.
1: Soak about 8 dates overnight or at least 8 hours
*if you don't have almond meal, soak 1/4 c whole almonds in water as well.
2: Blend 2 dates, Almond meal, add extract and cinnamon. Don't blend too much, you don't want it to turn into butter. When combined press into your mini pan.
3: Next blend 6 dates and 2 tbsp of dates soaking water until it forms a paste
4: Add in the rest of the ingredients Avocado, Coconut Oil, Honey, Vanilla Extract, Espresso, Cinnamon. BLEND!
5: Add Cocoa Powder and BLEND again
6: Pour over the crust and refrigerate for at least 1 hour.
7: Serve and enjoy with almond milk!!!
This is a GREAT DESSERT full of all sorts of antioxidants and good fats! YUM YUM YUM!!
How something can be so delicious, natural, easy to make be so Good For You! blows me away every time! Why was it that we needed sugar again?After eating this you'll wonder to!

Savor EVERY Bite!!!

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