German Chocolate Protein Muffin

Its Protein  Muffin baking day again and my husband wanted chocolate AGAIN... trust me, I don't blame him but I need new muffins to blog about. So sneaky me... what kind of chocolate can I make that will be tasty and different... OH I got it! Coconut DUH! the other thing I LOVE! So I went to work! German Chocolate it is!




1/2 C (ground) Oatmeal Flour
1/4 C Coconut Flour
1/4 C Cocoa Powder
2 TBSP Flax
1/2 C Stevia
1 TSP Baking Soda
1/2 C Chocolate Protein Powder
1 TSP Vanilla
1 TBSP Coconut Extract
2 Egg whites

1/2 C Brewed Coffee
2 TBSP Coconut Oil
3/4 C Coconut Milk- Unsweetened
  ~If you're missing something, have no fear, for substitutions click HERE!

1: I sift all the dry ingredients together in a bowl. If you want your muffins to rise beautifully, sift the big flour chunks out. If you don't care, don't sift.
2: Next add in all wet ingredients and blend away! Make sure to scrape the sides of the bowl as it mixes so it all combines nicely.


**Freshly brewed coffee in any chocolate cake is such a good little secret!  So don't forget it!

Also, don't forget to grease your Jumbo muffin pan for cupcake pan very well with coconut oil! 

Makes 4 heaping jumbo muffins Or more cupcakes. for accurate nutrition facts, fill all 6 slots, for small jumbo muffins.

Bake @ 350 F for 20 Minutes or until toothpick comes out clean!

Let them cool.

Now with German Chocolate cake I HAD TO make a topping! Of COURSE! Now its your choice to use it or not but for my Husband I make it! It helps with his sneaky sweet tooth, and boy does he have one!



1 tbsp coconut oil
1/4c Pecans
1/4c Coconut Shreds
1/4c Coconut Milk
1/8c Honey
1 Beaten egg yolk
1/2 tsp Vanilla extract
Dash of Cinnamon

1: Add coconut oil and pecans to a pan and toast on med-low heat for about 5 minutes.

2: Beat the Coconut Milk, egg Yolk and Vanilla in a small dish.

3: Add coconut shreds, honey, and egg, vanilla and coconut milk mixture. Reduce and wait for it to get sticky. About 10 minutes. Add more honey for more sweetness... but its sweet enough for me.

4: Let it cool slightly, then top the muffins!



*BAM! Now compare that the next time you want to pick a store bought muffin! 



Nutrition Facts- 1 Muffin

(not including the frosting)

Servings 6.0
Amount Per Serving
Calories 169
% Daily Value *
Total Fat 8 g 12 %
Saturated Fat 6 g 30 %
Monounsaturated Fat 0 g
Polyunsaturated Fat 0 g
Trans Fat 0 g
Cholesterol 1 g 0 %
Sodium 294 mg 12 %
Potassium 166 mg 5 %
Total Carbohydrate 18 g 6 %
Dietary Fiber 5 g 18 %
Sugars 3 g
Protein 10 g 19 %
Vitamin A 0 %
Vitamin C 9 %
Calcium 1 %
Iron 45 %
* The Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet, so your values may change depending on your calorie needs. The values here may not be 100% accurate because the recipes have not been professionally evaluated nor have they been evaluated by the U.S. FDA.



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