Protein Rice Crispies

Thanks to my husband who BEGGED me to make a healthy Rice Crispy Treat! I bought a box of whole grain rice crispy cereal and it sat in the cabinet for almost a month because I was trying to figure out how I would substitute the marshmallow and make it healthy... That took me forever, I did some research, thought a lot and one day BAM! it came to me! I've made these a ton of times but this time I actually took pictures to share because I was finally confident that I mastered the recipe. It takes a little patience and close attention but in the end its an explosion in your mouth!!



1.5c rice crispy cereal -whole grain
.5c Whey Protein Crisps (or just more rice crispies if you don't have these)
2 egg whites
1/2c honey
1/4c or more peanut butter
1/3c vanilla whey protein
1 tbsp vanilla extract
1/3c of dark chocolate
1/8c chocolate protein


In a electric mixing bowl beat the egg whites and vanilla until it form soft peaks. Then Turn off the mixer.

This happens very quickly so make sure you are you watching so it doesn't get flat.

In a pot on the stove set to medium high heat, bring your half a cup of honey to a boil or cook until your candy thermometer says 250 degrees.

If you're going to boil without a thermometer make sure you boil it for approximately 1 minute continuously mixing so it doesn't burn.


Turn your mixer back on and slowly pour your heated honey into the egg whites. 

This part is kind of hard to watch because it looks like a soupy mess. Beat on high for approximately 5 minutes.
Give it some time I promise it will turn into a marshmallow fluff! Homemade, 3 ingredient, marshmallow fluff!!!


Next, in the same pot you he did the honey add your peanut butter and vanilla whey protein powder and mix until melted.

Now add in your newly formed marshmallow fluff mix again.

Incorporate then add rice crispies, protein crispies and mix again!


While they're cooling melt your favorite dark chocolate and mix in a little bit of chocolate protein powder. 

Coat your rice crispies and freeze so the chocolate hardens faster!


Now it's time to enjoy!



Nutrition Facts

Servings 12.0
Amount Per Serving
Calories 183
% Daily Value *
Total Fat 7 g 11 %
Saturated Fat 0 g 2 %
Monounsaturated Fat 0 g
Polyunsaturated Fat 0 g
Trans Fat 0 g
Cholesterol 1 g 0 %
Sodium 64 mg 3 %
Potassium 153 mg 4 %
Total Carbohydrate 20 g 7 %
Dietary Fiber 1 g 3 %
Sugars 15 g
Protein 11 g 22 %
Vitamin A 0 %
Vitamin C 14 %
Calcium 1 %
Iron 13 %
* The Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet, so your values may change depending on your calorie needs. The values here may not be 100% accurate because the recipes have not been professionally evaluated nor have they been evaluated by the U.S. FDA

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